April 08, 2008


I almost fell off the wagon (again!) but I'm back. I've been entrenched in the busy-ness of mid-twenties life: after returning from Easter in NJ I worked a few days, and went for a solo backpacking trip to Shenandoah National Park, the 'Delaware Water Gap of Virginia,' with the hope of figuring out what to do about Yale. I came back a few bumps and bruises (and one decidedly illegal campfire later) raving about what I had realized about Yale and money (hint: I was more interested in prioritizing the former than the latter), but have since vacillated on my decision several times. Let's call it "Indecision 2008," shall we?

So I worked another week, and blasted straight into one of my all time favorite people's bachelorette party. My very good friend from High School is getting married at the end of the month, and in so doing makes herself my first close, long time friend to take such a step. Debauchery and deep feminist conversation ensued (of course!) and I am glad to say I am better for it.

There are several things I want to talk about, tomorrow, when I'm a little less buzzed and a little more cogent. So let's list them, and that way I'll feel obliged to follow up.

1. Hillary Clinton - I saw her speak at the Daughters of the American Revolution Hall, and she was really, truly, excellent.
2. Backpacking solo - How my trip went, creating "an intention for my practice" (hello, Yogis!), and the amazing people you meet on the trail.
3. The Bachelorette - what it is to watch someone you love get married, especially after a painful breakup.
4. Saturday night - the amazing, incredible group of women and our discussion on Saturday night, after the wine tour/hot tub combo.
5. Beatings on the metro - when I boarded my metro car this morning, a man was being pulled off by a cop for beating his female companion. Last week, I saw a woman on some kind of drug pee in her seat, before being pulled off by a less-than-savory character, whom I've wondered about the intentions of ever since.
6. The new documentary on Rape in Congo, which aired tonight on HBO, not that I have a TV. Thoughts on rape as a tool of war, on fear, on gender, and on men.

And with that, I'll call it a night. More tomorrow. For real!

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