October 29, 2007

Let's Try this Again...

It's been about a year since I posted on this blog, and I'm not really sure where the time went. My old posts lacked formatting and a main thrust to hold them together, and so, after reviewing the content last fall, I decided I should hold off for awhile before putting anymore time into it.

A year later, I still love the name of this blog, and I still want to do it, if only for the opportunity to actively continue writing and to interact with others about my ideas.

The plan is to do a business style strategy of what the point is, and take it from there. Hopefully there will be better formatting, more utility, greater 'thrust' (a great word), and a closer correlation to the subject matter being covered in the blogs I love - Feministing and Broadsheet among them.

I'm going to try to do this while applying to graduate programs (whew!!) but I think I can make it learn. Turns out this year I finally learned to multitask!

See you all soon, after I get this sucker in motion. ;)


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